All Your Perfects by Colleen Hoover (2018) – The Power of Imperfection

All Your Perfects Colleen Hoover

Whether you’re seeking a book that evokes intense emotions or a story that will leave you reflecting long after you turn the last page, this review is your personal guide to deciding if ‘All Your Perfects’ deserves a cherished spot on your reading list. Get ready to be captivated by Hoover’s masterful storytelling that will leave you craving more.

This may be the first review ever with a lot of major spoilers, but I felt the material warranted it. For me, this is precipitated by my inability to have children. Warning: we’re going to get really intimate. In order to meet Colleen Hoover, I had to buy this book. It was fantastic, and she is fantastic. I am very grateful to have received an autographed copy.

How come I hadn’t read it sooner?

The cosmos had to know that I couldn’t take it. These days, I much rather dive headfirst into novels. CoHo is one of those authors whose books I always end up buying without even reading the synopsis. When this book came out, I was several cycles into trying to conceive. I was on the cusp of beginning my first IUI cycle. I could never have handled reading this back then.

After starting it late last night, I stayed up until early this morning to finish this book. I remained up late because I had to know the outcome. I’m having trouble organizing my thoughts, so bear with me if they seem scattered. Her writing is compelling, and before you realize it, you’re far too immersed in the story to consider putting the book down.

Poor Quinn. Hoover did a number of things, one of which was to understand the chaos that we live in. You can’t possibly understand it unless you’re there. You may believe this, but it’s only an illusion. Actually, I was in her shoes. I spent more than five years repeating the same actions and experiencing the same feelings.

Every time I heard a pregnancy announcement, had someone ask me when “we were going to have a baby,” or saw a woman complaining about parenting, a tiny part of me died. That’s probably seeming selfish and illogical to you right about now. It’s both true and false at the same time.

You put forth tremendous effort to not despise yourself due to your inability to perform the one task you feel you should be capable of. What did she say to her sister? I’m envious because I know I could have handled it better than she did. People were really careful around me.

My best friend, whom I adore, recently texted me a long message detailing her second pregnancy. Just thinking about it makes me emotional. That she had to break the news so gently (which I needed and adore her for) makes me angry that she couldn’t just shout, “I’M PREGNANT!!!” Quinn wasn’t being insane, so I could understand her. She was attempting to get through a devastating heartbreak.

The lengthy showers are a memory that I, too, cherish. Despite this, her approach to her husband was inappropriate. She stopped expressing herself and closed off. My husband and I grew closer to one another as a result of this. We comforted each other, wept together, and suffered through it together.

I can relate to her feelings of utter despair at the mere prospect of sex. This is getting too clinical and tedious. Month after month of disappointment can offer you new reason to believe. Because Graham was in the same boat, treating him that way was incredibly unfair.

Graham was fantastic in many ways but also made several mistakes. Because of their inability to communicate, he should have been willing to damage Gwen. It’s painful, it hurts a lot, but it’s necessary for development. You can’t act like nothing’s wrong and then be confused about what went wrong. Likewise, he and Quinn endured a great deal.

She treated him unfairly, and he stood firm for a long time. He and her both contributed to what transpired, so I can’t hold him solely responsible. Love letters, on the other hand, were fantastic.

Here’s my problem with that diagnosis, though. Her experience is not typical, yet ectopic pregnancies are common. Having a tube removed instead of the entire uterus is the most usual surgical procedure. Several of my friends and acquaintances have had this procedure done and have lost a tube but not their uterus.

But even I, who is no medical expert, thought that was excessive. The diagnosis of endometriosis just added to my initial confusion. My doctor removed it a year before I became pregnant. It wasn’t a major problem for me because it’s so minor, but it can often be surgically removed. It can be remedied, and I’m puzzled as to why all these treatments failed to alleviate her endo.

In sum, I adored this book and found it impossible to put down. I think it’s because it hits so close to home for me. As I would expect from Hoover, the writing is superb. Thank you, Hoover, for addressing this challenging issue. The topic requires more attention because it occurs more frequently than most people realize.

Feeling like you can’t open up about it makes the isolation even more trying. It’s something I’d like to alter. If being truthful would put others at ease, I wouldn’t care.

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all your perfects colleen hoover

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