Sarah Patel

Sarah Patel is an ardent reader and a lover of diverse narratives. Her curiosity drives her to explore books across multiple genres, from fantasy and science fiction to contemporary fiction and memoirs.With a degree in Creative Writing, Sarah has a profound appreciation for storytelling and character development.
Bay of Sighs

Bay of Sighs by Nora Roberts

Summary In Bay of Sighs, Annika, a mermaid, must return to the sea after completing her mission to locate the stars. As her five new friends learned when they collected the fire star, she is a newcomer to this planet…

killing moon jo nesbo

Killing Moon by Jo Nesbo

SYNOPSIS The police are on the hunt, but they’re running out of time. The only thing linking two missing young women is that they both went to a party held by a shady real estate mogul. The authorities have cause…

The Swimmers by Julie Otsuka

The Swimmers by Julie Otsuka

Synopsis of The Swimmers by Julie Otsuka Nobody knows anybody else in the pool; everyone has their own morning and afternoon routines (slow lane, medium lane, rapid lane) and finds their own peace and quiet in the water. Once the…